Twist Sub-Template Source:

<!-- start twist partial / sub-template v.20221208 -->
{% comment %} Partial / Sub-Template: {% endcomment %}<!-- this kind of comments are removed but preserved internally -->
	<h5 id="qunit-test-result">Twist TPL w. Sub-Template Render (Table with #{{ tCount }} columns):</h5>
	<table style="border: 1px solid #ECECEC; width: 550px;" id="qunit-test-el">
		<th>Column 1<th>
		<th>Column 2<th>
		<th>Column 3<th>
	{% for row in tbl%}
		<td>cell {{ row.a1 }}<td>
		<td>cell {{ row.a2 }}<td>
		<td>cell {{ row.a3 }}<td>
	{% if navigation|length > 0 %}
		{% for item in navigation %}
		<li><a href="{{ item.href }}">{{ loop.index }}.  {{ item.caption }} ({{ loop.index0 }})</a></li>
		{% endfor %}
	{% else %}
		<li><span style="color:#FF3300;"><b>NOT OK</b></span></li>
	{% endif %}
	Test Condition#1:
	{% if a == 'Test-1' %}
	{% else %}
		<span style="color:#FF3300;"><b>NOT OK</b></span>
	{% endif %}
	Test Condition#2:
	{% if b == a %}
		<span style="color:#FF3300;"><b>NOT OK</b></span>
	{% else %}
		{%if b == 'Test-1' %}
			<span style="color:#FF3300;"><b>NOT OK</b></span>
		{% else %}
			{% if a != 'Test-1' %}
				<span style="color:#FF3300;"><b>NOT OK</b></span>
			{% else %}
			{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	{% endif %}
<!-- end twist partial / sub-template -->