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final class \SmartModExtLib\Captcha\SmartImageCaptcha
{ } ->

Class: SmartImageCaptcha - A Flat Image Plugin for SmartCaptcha
Create a Form Captcha Validation Image (PNG / GIF / JPEG)
If SVG mode is used it will embed the Image into a SVG container to make harder the job of captcha solvers

class Methods

public function __construct ( ) {} @ 
Class Constructor
public function draw_image ( ) {} -> STRING
@return: {STRING} The Captcha Image
Generate the code and the Image
public function get_code ( ) {} -> STRING
@return: {STRING} The Captcha generated code
Get the generated code
Must be call only after draw_image()

class Properties

public $format = 'svg' ;  -> ENUM
Captcha Format
possible values: svg | png | gif | jpg
public $mode = 'dotted' ;  -> ENUM
Captcha Mode (hashed is 10x slower than dotted)
possible values: dotted | hashed
public $noise = 100 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Noise Level
possible values: 10..1000
public $width = 160 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Image Width
possible values: 80..320
public $height = 40 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Image Height
possible values: 40..160
public $quality = 90 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Image Quality
Applies only for jpeg format
possible values: 20..100
public $pool = '01234567890' ;  -> STRING
Captcha Characters Pool (the list of characters from where the Captcha will pick random characters)
possible values (from this list) '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
public $chars = 5 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Characters Number (how many characters from the possible characters list to pickup randomly and display)
possible values: 3..7
public $charspace = 8 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - Characters Space
public $charxvar = 7 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - Characters X space start (5..50)
public $charyvar = 8 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - Characters Y space start (5..25)
public $colors_chars = [0x111111, 0x333333, 0x778899, 0x666699, 0x003366, 0x669966, 0x006600, 0xFF3300] ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - Characters Color Palette
public $colors_noise = [0x888888, 0x999999, 0xAAAAAA, 0xBBBBBB, 0xCCCCCC, 0xDDDDDD, 0xEEEEEE, 0x8080C0] ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - Noise Color Palette
public $charfont = 5 ;  -> MIXED
Captcha Display Tunnings - Font
possible values: 1..5 as INTEGER will use the GD built-in font ; as STRING can be a relative path to a GDF font as 'path/to/font.gdf' or to a TTF font as 'path/to/font.ttf'
public $charttfsize = 20 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - TTF Font Size (apply just for TTF fonts ; the GDF fonts are not scalable)
possible values: 10..70
public $overlines = 0 ;  -> INTEGER+
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply random lines over the image ; If > 0 will apply a number of lines over the image
possible values: 0..9
public $distort = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply distort for the image ; If TRUE will distort the image with a random value
public $sketchy = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply sketchy filter to the image ; If TRUE will apply a sketchy filter to the image
public $emboss = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply emboss filter to the image ; If TRUE will apply a emboss filter to the image
public $scatter = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply scatter filter to the image ; If TRUE will apply a scatter filter to the image
public $negate = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply negate filter to the image ; If TRUE will negate the image colors
public $contrast = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply contrast to the image ; If TRUE will apply a random contrast to the image
public $colorize = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply colorize effect to the image ; If TRUE will apply a random colorize effect to the image
public $grayscale = false ;  -> BOOLEAN
Captcha Display Tunnings - Apply grayscale effect to the image ; If TRUE will apply a grayscale effect to the image

class Constants

Sample code: PHP


//-- set the captcha options
$captcha = new SmartImageCaptcha();
$captcha->width 100;
$captcha->height 50;
$captcha->noise 300;
$captcha->chars 5;
$captcha->charfont 'modules/mod-captcha/fonts/barrio.ttf'// or a .gdf font if GD have no TTF support
$captcha->charttfsize 24;
$captcha->charspace 18;
$captcha->charxvar 11;
$captcha->charyvar 22;
//-- output captcha image
header('Content-Type: image/png');
$captcha->draw_image(); // raw output the captcha image
 //-- use captcha generated code to store somewhere
echo $captcha->get_code();

// #end php code

documentation generated on: 2023-10-19 23:15:55 +0000

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