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final class \SmartModExtLib\AuthAdmins\SmartAdmViewHtmlHelpers
{ } ::

Class: SmartAdmViewHtmlHelpers - Easy to use HTML ViewHelper Components.

class Methods

public static function html_select_list_single ( STRING $y_id, STRING $y_selected_value, ENUM $y_mode, ARRAY $_yarr_data, STRING $y_varname = "", INTEGER $y_dimensions = "150/0", CODE $y_custom_js = "", YES/NO $y_raw = "no", YES/NO $y_allowblank = "yes", STRING $y_blank_name = "", CSS/#JS-UI# $y_extrastyle = "" ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [HTML Code]
@param: {STRING} $y_id: the HTML element ID
@param: {STRING} $y_selected_value: selected value of the list ; ex: 'id1'
@param: {ENUM} $y_mode: 'form' = display form | 'list' = display list
@param: {ARRAY} $_yarr_data: DATASET ROWS AS: ['id' => 'name', 'id2' => 'name2'] OR ['id', 'name', 'id2', 'name2']
@param: {STRING} $y_varname: as 'frm[test]'
@param: {INTEGER} $y_dimensions: dimensions in pixels (width or width / (list) height for '#JS-UI#' or '#JS-UI-FILTER#')
@param: {CODE} $y_custom_js: custom js code (Ex: onsubmit="" or onchange="")
@param: {YES/NO} $y_raw: If Yes, the description values will not apply html special chars
@param: {YES/NO} $y_allowblank: If Yes, a blank value is allowed in list
@param: {STRING} $y_blank_name: The name of the blank value ; If none will use empty (nbsp) space
@param: {CSS/#JS-UI#} $y_extrastyle: Extra CSS Style | or Extra CSS Class 'class:a-css-class' | Visual UI Mode '#JS-UI#' or '#JS-UI-FILTER#'
Manage a SINGLE Selection HTML List Element for Edit or Display data
public static function html_select_list_multi ( STRING $y_id, STRING $y_selected_value, ENUM $y_mode, ARRAY $_yarr_data, STRING $y_varname = "", ENUM $y_draw = "list", YES/NO $y_sync_values = "no", INTEGER $y_dimensions = "300/0", CODE $y_custom_js = "", CSS/#JS-UI# $y_extrastyle = "#JS-UI-FILTER#", INTEGER $y_msize = 8 ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [HTML Code]
@param: {STRING} $y_id: the HTML element ID
@param: {STRING} $y_selected_value: selected value(s) data as ARRAY [ 'id1', 'id2' ] or STRING LIST as: '<id1>,<id2>'
@param: {ENUM} $y_mode: 'form' = display form | checkboxes | 'list' = display list
@param: {ARRAY} $_yarr_data: DATASET ROWS AS: ['id' => 'name', 'id2' => 'name2'] OR ['id', 'name', 'id2', 'name2']
@param: {STRING} $y_varname: as 'frm[test][]'
@param: {ENUM} $y_draw: list | checkboxes
@param: {YES/NO} $y_sync_values: If Yes, sync select similar values used (curently works only for checkboxes)
@param: {INTEGER} $y_dimensions: dimensions in pixels (width or width / (list) height for '#JS-UI#' or '#JS-UI-FILTER#')
@param: {CODE} $y_custom_js: custom js code (Ex: submit on change)
@param: {CSS/#JS-UI#} $y_extrastyle: Extra CSS Style | 'class:a-css-class' | '#JS-UI#' or '#JS-UI-FILTER#'
@param: {INTEGER} $y_msize: Multi List Size (if applicable) ; Default is 8 ; accept values between 2 and 32
Generate a MULTIPLE (many selections) View/Edit List to manage ID Selections
public static function html_js_date_field ( STRING $y_id, STRING $y_var, DATE $yvalue, STRING $y_text_select = "", JS-Date $yjs_mindate = "", JS-Date $yjs_maxdate = "", array $y_extra_options = [], JS-Code $y_js_evcode = "" ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [HTML Code]
@param: {STRING} $y_id: [HTML page ID for field (unique) ; used foor JavaScript]
@param: {STRING} $y_var: [HTML Variable Name or empty if no necessary]
@param: {DATE} $yvalue: [DATE, empty or formated as YYYY-MM-DD]
@param: {STRING} $y_text_select: [The text as title: 'Select Date']
@param: {JS-Date} $yjs_mindate: [JS Expression, Min Date] :: new Date(1937, 1 - 1, 1) or '-1y -1m -1d'
@param: {JS-Date} $yjs_maxdate: [JS Expression, Max Date] :: new Date(2037, 12 - 1, 31) or '1y 1m 1d'
@param: {ARRAY} $y_extra_options: [Options Array[width, ...] for for datePicker]
@param: {JS-Code} $y_js_evcode: [JS Code to execute on Select(date)]
Draws a HTML JS-UI Date Selector Field
public static function html_js_time_field ( STRING $y_id, STRING $y_var, HH:ii $yvalue, STRING $y_text_select = "", 0..22 $y_h_st = "0", 1..23 $y_h_end = "23", 0..58 $y_i_st = "0", 1..59 $y_i_end = "55", 1..30 $y_i_step = "5", INTEGER $y_rows = "2", array $y_extra_options = [], JS-Code $y_js_evcode = "" ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [HTML Code]
@param: {STRING} $y_id: [HTML page ID for field (unique) ; used foor JavaScript]
@param: {STRING} $y_var: [HTML Variable Name]
@param: {HH:ii} $yvalue: [TIME, pre-definned value, formated as 24h HH:ii]
@param: {STRING} $y_text_select: [The text for 'Select Time']
@param: {0..22} $y_h_st: [Starting Time]
@param: {1..23} $y_h_end: [Ending Time]
@param: {0..58} $y_i_st: [Starting Minute]
@param: {1..59} $y_i_end: [Ending Minute]
@param: {1..30} $y_i_step: [Step of Minutes]
@param: {INTEGER} $y_rows: [Default is 2]
@param: {JS-Code} $y_extra_options: [Options Array[width, ...] for timePicker]
@param: {JS-Code} $y_js_evcode: [JS Code to execute on Select(time)]
Draws a HTML JS-UI Time Selector Field
public static function html_jsload_htmlarea ( $y_filebrowser_link = "", $y_stylesheet = "", $y_use_absolute_url = false ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [HTML Code]
Outputs the HTML Code to init the HTML (wysiwyg) Editor
public static function html_js_htmlarea ( STRING $yid, STRING $yvarname, STRING $yvalue = "", INTEGER+ $ywidth = "720px", INTEGER+ $yheight = "480px", BOOLEAN $y_allow_scripts = false, BOOLEAN $y_allow_script_src = false, MIXED $y_cleaner_deftags = "", ENUM $y_cleaner_mode = "", STRING $y_toolbar_ctrls = "" ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [HTML Code]
@param: {STRING} $yid: [Unique HTML Page Element ID]
@param: {STRING} $yvarname: [HTML Form Variable Name]
@param: {STRING} $yvalue: [HTML Data]
@param: {INTEGER+} $ywidth: [Area Width: (Example) 720px or 75%]
@param: {INTEGER+} $yheight: [Area Height (Example) 480px or 50%]
@param: {BOOLEAN} $y_allow_scripts: [Allow JavaScripts]
@param: {BOOLEAN} $y_allow_script_src: [Allow JavaScript SRC attribute]
@param: {MIXED} $y_cleaner_deftags: ['' or array of HTML Tags to be allowed / dissalowed by the cleaner ... see HTML Cleaner Documentation]
@param: {ENUM} $y_cleaner_mode: [HTML Cleaner mode for defined tags: ALLOW / DISALLOW]
@param: {STRING} $y_toolbar_ctrls: [Toolbar Controls: ... see CLEditor Documentation]
Draw a TextArea with a built-in javascript HTML (wysiwyg) Editor
public static function html_js_htmlarea_fm_callback ( STRING $yurl, BOOLEAN $is_popup = false ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [JS Code]
@param: {STRING} $yurl: The Callback URL
@param: {BOOLEAN} $is_popup: Set to True if Popup (incl. Modal)
Returns HTML / JS code for CallBack Mapping for HTML (wysiwyg) Editor - FileBrowser Integration

class Properties

class Constants

documentation generated on: 2023-10-19 23:15:52 +0000

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