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final class \SmartFileSysUtils
{ } ::

Class: SmartFileSysUtils - provides the File System Util functions.
This class enforces the use of RELATIVE PATHS to force using correct path access in a web environment application.
Relative paths must be relative to the web application folder as folder: `some-folder/` or file: `some-folder/my-file.txt`.
Absolute paths are denied by internal checks as they are NOT SAFE in a Web Application from the security point of view ...
Also the backward path access like `../some-file-or-folder` is denied from the above exposed reasons.
Files and Folders must contain ONLY safe characters as: `[a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] _ - . @ #` ; folders can also contain slashes `/` (as path separators); no spaces are allowed in paths !!
NOTICE: To use paths in a safe manner, never add manually a / at the end of a path variable, because if it is empty will result in accessing the root of the file system (/).
To handle this in an easy and safe manner, use the function SmartFileSysUtils::addPathTrailingSlash((string)$my_dir) so it will add the trailing slash ONLY if misses but NOT if the $my_dir is empty to avoid root access !

class Methods

public static function staticFileExists ( string $file_relative_path ) {} :: BOOL
@return: {BOOL} TRUE if file exists and path is safe ; FALSE otherwise
@param: {STRING} $file_relative_path: The relative path of file to be read (can be a symlink to a file)
It should be used just with static files which does not changes between executions
public static function readStaticFile ( string $file_relative_path, int $length = null ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} The file contents or an empty string if file not found or cannot read file or other error cases
@param: {STRING} $file_relative_path: The relative path of file to be read (can be a symlink to a file)
@param: {INTEGER+} $length: DEFAULT is 0 (zero) ; If zero will read the entire file ; If > 0 (ex: 100) will read only the first 100 bytes fro the file or less if the file size is under 100 bytes
It should be used just with static files which does not changes between executions
public static function maxUploadFileSize ( ) {} :: INT
@return: {INTEGER} the Max Upload Size in Bytes
Return the MAXIMUM allowed Upload Size
public static function checkIfSafeFileOrDirName ( string $y_fname ) {} :: INT
@return: {0/1} returns 1 if VALID ; 0 if INVALID
@param: {STRING} $y_fname: The dirname or filename, (not path containing /) to validate
Check a Name of a File or Directory (not a path containing /) if contain valid characters (to avoid filesystem path security injections)
Security: provides check if unsafe filenames or dirnames are accessed.
public static function checkIfSafePath ( string $path, bool $deny_absolute_path = true, bool $allow_protected_relative_paths = false ) {} :: INT
@return: {0/1} returns 1 if VALID ; 0 if INVALID
@param: {STRING} $path: The path (dir or file) to validate
@param: {BOOL} $deny_absolute_path: *Optional* If TRUE will dissalow absolute paths
@param: {BOOL} $allow_protected_relative_paths: *Optional* ! This is for very special case usage only so don't set it to TRUE except if you know what you are really doing ! If set to TRUE will allow access to special protected paths of this framework which may have impact on security ... ; this parameter is intended just for relative paths only (not absolute paths) as: #dir/.../file.ext ; #file.ext ; for task area this is always hardcoded to TRUE and cannot be overrided
Check a Path (to a Directory or to a File) if contain valid characters (to avoid filesystem path security injections)
Security: provides check if unsafe paths are accessed.
Absolute paths on windows if checked as intended must be previous be converted using slash instead of backslash using Smart::fix_path_separator()
public static function addPathTrailingSlash ( string $y_path ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} The fixed path with a trailing
@param: {STRING} $y_path: The path to add the trailing slash to
Safe add a trailing slash to a path if not already have it, with safe detection and avoid root access.
Adding a trailing slash to a path is not a simple task as if path is empty, adding the trailing slash will result in accessing the root file system as will be: /.
Otherwise it have to detect if the trailing slash exists already to avoid double slash.
public static function extractPathDir ( string $y_path ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} a directory path [FOLDER NAME]
@param: {STRING} $y_path: the path (dir or file)
Return the folder name from a path (except last trailing slash: /)
public static function extractPathFileName ( string $y_path ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [FILE NAME]
@param: {STRING} $y_path: path or file
Return the file name (includding extension) from path
WARNING: path_info('c:\\file.php') will not work correct on unix, but on windows will work correct both: path_info('c:\\file.php') and path_info('path/file.php'
public static function extractPathFileNoExtName ( string $y_path ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} [FILE NAME]
@param: {STRING} $y_path: path or file
Return the file name (WITHOUT extension) from path
public static function extractPathFileExtension ( string $y_path ) {} :: STRING
@param: {STRING} $y_path: path or file
Return the file extension (without .) from path
public static function prefixedUidB62Path ( string $y_id, int $y_spectrum ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} Prefixed Path
@param: {STRING} $y_id: 8..72 chars id (uid)
@param: {INTEGER} $y_spectrum: 1..7 the expanding levels spectrum
Generate a prefixed dir from a base62 (also supports: base58 / base36 / base32 / base16 / base10) UID, 8..72 chars length : [a-zA-Z0-9].
It does include also the UID as final folder segment.
Example: for ID 8iAz0WtTuV72QZ72Re5X0PlIgB23M6 will return: 8/8iAz0WtTuV72QZ72Re5X0PlIgB23M6/ as the generated prefixed path.
This have to be used for large folder storage structure to avoid limitations on some filesystems (ext3 / ntfs) where max sub-dirs per dir is 32k.
The prefixed path will be grouped by each 1 character (max sub-folders per folder: 62).
If a shorther length than 8 chars is provided will pad with 0 on the left.
If a longer length than 72 or an invalid ID is provided will reset the ID to 00000000 (8 chars) for the given length, but also drop a warning.
public static function prefixedUuid10B36Path ( string $y_id ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} Prefixed Path
@param: {STRING} $y_id: 10 chars id (uuid10)
Generate a prefixed dir from a base36 UUID, 10 chars length : [A-Z0-9].
It does include also the UUID as final folder segment.
Example: for ID ABCDEFGHIJ09 will return: 9T/5B/0B/9M/9T5B0B9M8M/ as the generated prefixed path.
This have to be used for large folder storage structure to avoid limitations on some filesystems (ext3 / ntfs) where max sub-dirs per dir is 32k.
The prefixed path will be grouped by each 2 characters (max sub-folders per folder: 36 x 36 = 1296).
If a shorther length than 10 chars is provided will pad with 0 on the left.
If a longer length or an invalid ID is provided will reset the ID to 000000..00 (10 chars) for the given length, but also drop a warning.
public static function prefixedUuid40B16Path ( string $y_id ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} Prefixed Path
@param: {STRING} $y_id: 40 chars id (sha1)
Generate a prefixed dir from a base16 UUID (sha1), 40 chars length : [a-f0-9].
It does NOT include the ID final folder.
Example: for ID df3a808b2bf20aaab4419c43d9f3a6143bd6b4bb will return: d/f3a/808/b2b/f20/aaa/b44/19c/43d/9f3/a61/43b/d6b/ as the generated prefixed path.
This have to be used for large folder storage structure to avoid limitations on some filesystems (ext3 / ntfs) where max sub-dirs per dir is 32k.
The prefixed folder will be grouped by each 3 characters (max sub-folders per folder: 16 x 16 x 16 = 4096).
If a shorther length than 40 chars is provided will pad with 0 on the left.
If a longer length than 40 chars or an invalid ID is provided will reset the ID to 000000..00 (40 chars) for the given length, but also drop a warning.
public static function getMimeType ( string $file_name_or_path ) {} :: STRING
@return: {STRING} the mime type by extension (will also detect some standard files without extension: ex: readme)
@param: {STRING} $file_name_or_path: the filename or path (includding file extension) ; Ex: file.ext or path/to/file.ext
Get the File MimeType
public static function getArrMimeType ( string $file_name_or_path, string $disposition = "" ) {} :: ARRAY
@return: {ARRAY} Example: ARRAY [ 0 => 'text/plain' ; 1 => 'inline; filename="file.ext"' ; 2 => 'inline' ] OR [ 0 => 'application/octet-stream' ; 1 => 'attachment; filename="file.ext"' ; 2 => 'attachment' ]
@param: {STRING} $file_name_or_path: the filename or path (includding file extension) ; Ex: file.ext or path/to/file.ext
@param: {MIXED} $disposition: EMPTY STRING (leave as is) ; ENUM: attachment | inline - to force a disposition type
Get the File MimeType

class Properties

class Constants

Sample code: PHP


// Usage example:

  // In order to supply a common framework for Unix / Linux but also on Windows,
  // because on Windows dir separator is \ instead of / the following functions must be used as replacements:
  // Smart::real_path()        instead of:        realpath()
  // Smart::dir_name()         instead of:        dirname()
  // Smart::path_info()        instead of:        pathinfo()
  // Also, when folders are get from external environments and are not certified if they have
  // been converted from \ to / on Windows, those paths have to be fixed using: Smart::fix_path_separator()

// #end php code

documentation generated on: 2023-10-19 23:15:43 +0000

Smart.Framework © 2009-2023